Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me, yes today is my birthday, and like usual, not fancy smancy celebration or cake. Girlfriend send me a birthday SMS, sweet she still remembers it. Heather…
Jabberd with SSL
Sometime you need to sleep on a problem before you realise how to fix it. So yesterday I give up enabling ssl, and manage to install it fine and test…
Falls day 2
I woke up this morning with headache, probably because I open my window before I slept. It was raining & snowing which makes the weather damn cold, but the snow…
Falls day 1
Saturday morning the weather clears up, every one was excited & ready to hit the slope. Straight after breakfast, which consist of toast with vegimite & honey spread, scramble eggs…
Falls Creek ski trip
The weather wasn’t perfect, we arrived accompanied by rain on friday. Checking in, then getting our ski gear. Then heading to had pizza. The place was full but in the…
Missing person
I was somewhere with Hui, Hap, and Jason. We are having an intelligent discussion about missing person and how to go about locating them. Before we knew it there are…
Late Granny’s death Anniversary
Today is late Granny’s death Anniversary, so Mom cooked lots of food for the prayers, and invited Betty and her house mate over for dinner. I had a long chat…
Flying home
I was here staying in an apartment, which the lower level looks like the lower level of a restaurant or something. I live with mom as well. There is an…