Recycling plant

I visited recycling plant with 2 other colleague. In the plant I saw mom there as well looking at something that she can reuse. Some looks like candle that was misprint. My colleagues was scavenging some aluminum scrap, one of them crawl to the ceiling to drop a pile of. It almost drop on top of me.

Then there was a site supervisor that came and have a chat with us. He mentioned there are some recycled sack of rice, but no one knows what’s wrong with it, but better not to take them. I saw a pile of joss stick along with stacks of papers, the one that is used to make future money, being lifted by a huge moving carriages, some of the joss stick fell off because it got tangled with others along the way.

The plant shut at exactly 4:00 PM. So we can walk across the factory floor instead of having to circumnavigate around it. Then I’m back at the office waiting to have lunch, and I woke up.

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