
I was back in Indo, in Yong Ko-ko’s place doing some errand. And when the time close to 10 pm, I asked my cousin Hong to drive me to the station so that I can catch the train home.
The funny thing is she is not an expert driver, so we are driving this semi 3 wheeled helicak sort of thing, and I swapped driving with her every now and then.

When we came across a gate, like a tol gate, everybody is suppose to stop and pay and get the pay coupon by the gate. I hopped off, not knowing how much to pay, I asked the attendant, he asked me back how much I got. I pulled my coins, and there is probably about $2.30 or something in my hand and he gestured me to go to the gate straight away without giving me any coupon.
Following his instruction I went to the gate and trying to get through the barrier, there is an inspector in each barrier. The lady asked me to give her the money I had and I showed her the $2.30 I got and she said something along the line that it is not enough so she can’t let me through. Trying to find some more coins in my wallet, I found $2, so I handed that to her and she let me pass the gate.

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