High School Transfer

I was being transferred to a High school somewhere, I think China that is.
So I was on the way to school, and it was raining heavily. I had to run and grap a small nibble for my breakies thinking that I could grab something heavy later.
So I stumble at the last store that seems to have wonton noodle, so I ordered one, but the real owner is not actually there, so the guy attending the next stall is the one who prepare it to me. One of the waiter had to do some funky move to twist the bowl to mix the sauce with his shoes.
So I try to pay but notice that I had chilli oil smeared all over my back pocket, which is leaking out from my wallet. I keep chilli oil in my pocket? so I tried to clean up the mess. When I try to pay again, the next stall owner said I better paid to the real owner myself.

So next day I walk pass, I intended to pay what I owed, and there is another girl that claim to own the shop. I asked the audience whether she is the owner and they seems to agree, so I paid her instead.

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