Comedy club

Wilson manage to get some free ticket again to the comedy club. So four of us, Wison, wenty, Mida and me going there again. Yang can’t make it since he is working on the day.
I had a few drinks earlier in the pub on Clarendon st. It is a welcoming party to Russell Mullens a work experience student at AdvaTel. I hang around there till 7 and rush to meet Wilson and the rest. We are having dinner first even though I am not hungry anymore from the crappy finger food at the bar. I had deep fry pork noodle soup which is pretty tasteless if chilli is not being added on. The pork is quite good. The Comedy was pretty good, expecially the last Italian guy, who looks like a chicken and singing all sorts of variety song. But it is damn funny when he mimic the ccountry music and starts shaking his head like a chicken.

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