Dhalsim is Chinese

I was visiting my old uni friend taking my son. Somehow my son is consist of three part, head, body and leg that can be taken apart.

Along the way, we stop to clean our self taking shower in the car.

When we arrived at Dhalsim’s place we are invited to his son’s party. And I was teasing his son to share one of his toy with me. That’s when I spoke to his mom. Very friendly lady. One thing leads to the other. She asked me whether I want to fish, so I did, and she told me that fishing is not legal, and to watch out for the guy in the green shirt, if he is around. I didn’t catch any fish without a bait. And this whole time we are conversing in Chinese.

Before we left, Dhalsim’s mom asked me whether I want to take home some fish. And she took out three tray of fish and some prawn that is already peeled. Some of the small fish is still alive and trying to swim of the tray. I told her I’ll collected them later, as my mom still want to visit a friend while we are close by.

That’s when I woke up.