New recruits

I was being task to review some resume, two new candidate who will be helping Matt Newman. Some artifacts collected includes their work diary. Somehow I was a little late, I haven’t had chance to review the resume, but the interview had started.

When I walked in to the meeting, I was asked what is my opinion, whether I agreed to hire them both. Fortunately I had had a quick glance at their diary, nothing really special, their resume stated what their previous experience was, so the first in room was Anita, so I glanced at her and her resume.

So the story goes, I’m training them, and getting some point across then we plan to report back to Carol. So we are walking back to her office. On the path there seems to be some margarine stuck on along. One is them tried to taste it, but as we walked someone told us that it is grease, so she didn’t end up doing so. I somehow dinner have to walk pass the pool of water in front of Sandra’s office, the two girls had to swim across. But then in front of Carol’s office there is another pool that I had to swim across, so I rolled up my pants and gold the paper right and jumped right in, that’s when I woke up.

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